Interview: Skaldir (Ash of Ashes) – Part II

Today I am pleased to present the second part of my Zoom interview with Skaldir from Ash of Ashes. If you haven’t read the first part yet, you can find it here. André: A defining element in your sound are the very melodic, dreamy guitars. Which musicians have inspired you the most in this respect? […]

Playlist: Epic Longtracks

Also this week we have a playlist for you, which stands under a certain motto: Longtracks. 12 tracks, the shortest lasts 9 minutes and 25 seconds, the longest 17 minutes and 3 seconds. We hope you enjoy this epic journey – take your time! Thronehammer – Behind the Wall of Frost Lord Vigo – Six […]

Interview: Hammer King

Es gibt Bands, zu denen hat man einfach eine tiefere emotionale Verbindung. In meinem Fall zählt Hammer King aus sehr persönlichen Gründen dazu. Schon allein deshalb liegt es auf der Hand, dass ich mit der Speerspitze des “Royal Metal” einmal ein längeres Interview für unseren Epic Metal Blog führen wollte. Da die Truppe aus Südwestdeutschland […]